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Employment Opportunities

Working at Kildare College

Guidelines for Applicants

All enquiries should be directed to the Human Resources Manager, on 08 83699999 or hr@kildare.catholic.edu.au

Applications must be submitted in PDF format and be addressed to the Principal via the email: vacancies@kildare.catholic.edu.au.

The successful applicant is required to gain a Department of Human Services (DHS), Working with Children Check (WWCC) prior to being employed which is to be renewed every five years before expiry. A current DHS child related employment screening will be recognised as a WWCC until it expires.

The incumbent will be required to undertake Responding to Risks of Harm Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN- EC) training prior to commencement and maintain their online training course every three years. For all other special conditions, please refer to the Position Information Document.

English, Legal Studies, HASS and Religious Education Teacher

Replacement Position for Term 2 | 0.70 FTE

English, Legal Studies, HASS and Religious Education Teacher

Temporary Relief Teacher (TRT)

A teacher plays a vital role in ensuring that Kildare College provides and delivers an engaging and dynamic curriculum, which allows all students opportunities for success. 

Guidelines for Applicants

Your application is to meet the following guidelines:

  1. A covering letter (maximum 1 page)
  2. A completed Kildare College Employment Application and Declaration Form.

Temporary Relief Teacher (TRT) Position Information Document

Strength and Gentleness