I join with others and welcome you all to the start of Term 3. This term shapes as a busy term for many of the senior students as they begin to conclude their studies with us and we begin to look at 2021. During this term we will start the subject selection process with the current Year 10 and 11 students. Students have received their subject selection form and viewed a presentation regarding the selection of their choice subjects for 2021.
As students move through to the Senior Years, there are subject pre-requisites or recommended minimum requirements for students wishing to pursue that subject the following year. It would be wise for students to reflect on their Semester 1 performance, including exams, with a view to whether they will qualify for the subjects they wish to undertake in 2021. This should then be a gauge of the level of commitment and effort required in Term 3 to ensure that these requirements are well met.
SACE Information
The SACE is a qualification for entry into Universities and further training. Students need to meet SACE requirements to be eligible for some studies at TAFE level and for all University studies. Each year, we offer parents the opportunity to learn more about the SACE and tertiary entry.
By clicking on the below link parents of current Year 10 and 11 students can find out more information on:
- The SACE and completion requirements
- SACE assessment and moderation
- University and TAFE entrance requirements
We look forward to supporting your daughter in making her subject choices for 2021 and encourage you all to attend the counselling afternoon scheduled for Wednesday 19 August 2020.
Raymond Kropinski
Senior Years Coordinator