Earlier this term Kildare College Living Justice Captains were invited to join other student leaders from Brigidine schools around Australia, at a student seminar held annually by Kildare Education Ministries.
The four student captains were chosen to attend under the guidance of the Living Justice Coordinator, Mrs Selga. Over the two days, the team were able to develop a deeper understanding of various concepts relating to justice and discussed with other students how we can incorporate and spread awareness throughout our school communities.
Speakers from other schools shared their ideas around raising awareness in these areas with the student leaders present, and several guest speakers from organisations such as Caritas Australia, Wellsprings and BASP (Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project) were also present.
Something that became apparent over the two days was the connection between justice work and charity work. While charity is important and allows an immediate response to those in need, it only offers help or relief for a short time. Justice takes charity deeper. It allows us to consider and address the root of the problem for those in unfair situations; so that we can help them work on solutions as to how to stop these injustices happening in the first place. Justice fights for the rights of all and allows people to take a stand together while upholding human dignity. The balance of charity and justice is important; it is something we would really like to encourage students in our college and members of the wider community aware of, especially when planning activities as a group.
The seminar also allowed the group time to converse with student leaders from other schools and share the various initiatives that we all take. This opportunity allowed us to formulate and plan some of the ideas the Living Justice group had previously discussed, as well as gaining possible ideas for the coming year.
'Dare to Donate’ was a concept discussed among the group that included both an aspect of charity and justice. We intended to raise money for Project Compassion, the annual fundraising campaign promoted by Caritas Australia. The plan was for the student body to participate in an act of solidarity – a ‘colour fun run’ as well as promoting various initiatives in the lead up to this; we intended that this would inform students about where their money would be going. Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to extenuating circumstances relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Living Justice Captains learnt a great deal during their trip to Melbourne and found it extremely rewarding. Despite the uncertain times we find ourselves in at the moment, we are very excited to work with the college and wider community to continue to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on the important social justice issues in our world.
Living Justice Captains