All members of the Learning Enrichment team bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and professionalism which enhances inclusion for all students as well as supports teachers with classroom pedagogies, curriculum planning and adjustments for individual students.
This newly formulated team comprises of three Key Teachers in Learning Enrichment:
Patrick Johnson
Learning Enrichment Key Teacher - Gifted and Talented
Marie Greco
Learning Enrichment key Teacher – Literacy Intervention
Sophie Mullen
Learning Enrichment Key Teacher – English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD).
The team also comprises three Education Support Officers Tricia Crowley, Elizabeth Heddershaw and Lyndall Hanson.
In the year of Compassion, the team supports our core value “walking with and having empathy for all” by creating a learning environment where everybody is valued regardless of the way they learn; whether they need higher order curriculum for maximisation and engagement in learning or adjustments to help achieve successful outcomes. The core of our work is student centred as we develop and/or review Personalised Plans for Learning in collaboration with parents/guardians and students, to promote authenticity of student and family voice in education. Below is an overview of what has been happening this term in learning enrichment:
This term in Gifted and Talented, we have focused on collecting data to better identify our gifted and highly abled students. Using this data, the Learning Enrichment Team will be able to conference with students, caregivers, and teachers to tailor our enrichment programs to the students. The return of Writer's Week, for instance, has meant that students with an interest and skill in creative writing will have the opportunity to meet with other, like-minded peers from South Australia. We will continue to conference with gifted students and families in Term 2 to further adjust our gifted initiatives to those who benefit from them most.
The Chai & Chat group has commenced for 2022 and welcomed many new students to celebrate our rich and diverse College community. Chai & Chat is held every second Tuesday (odd weeks) at lunch and is a great opportunity to get to know other students whilst learning about other cultures.All students are welcome to attend; please contact Miss Mullen for more information.
There are also some fantastic support programs offered through the Australian Refugee Association, such as Homework Club for students with refugee backgrounds. The Homework Club is delivered in a community setting (this term was online) to increase literacy and numeracy skills. If this is something your daughter would benefit from, please contact Ms Mullen at
In Literacy Intervention we have begun Literacy Support Sessions at lunch time on a Wednesday. All students are welcome, and its aim is to support students on any assessments or homework tasks which they are currently working on. It could be supporting with brainstorming and helping students to begin a task, applying feedback for assessments, and having support to check if students are on the right track.
The Learning Enrichment team look forward to continuing support all of our students to achieve their potential.
Cherrell Murray
Director of Learning Enrichment