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The future is bright at Kildare as students choose their own future with innovative subject choices


Kildare is renowned for being a student-centred College, where the students are consulted in decision making that directly relates to them, including which subjects they might like to study in the future.

In line with the objective to remain forward thinking and future focused, the College has sent a survey to students with a list of trending curriculum subjects that the College is considering offering in the future.

“The introduction of the Tullow Centre as a hub for innovation has been a pivotal moment in the history of the College, as it has allowed us to stop and really consider where we are heading as a College, and what we need to offer our students in order to remain innovative and offer contemporary curriculum choices for our students,” says Tina Neate, Principal.

Ray Kropinski, Director of Teaching and Learning who is leading this process, says: “The way we teach our students has changed, whereby we’re not teaching just knowledge anymore, but the skills required for our students to thrive in the ever-changing world. Subjects that were previously important are becoming less so, in relation to the jobs of the future and what our young women will experience when they enter the workforce”. Furthermore, he adds: “By reviewing our current Senior Years subjects, we can refine the curriculum further to meet our students’ needs and purposes, allowing them to truly become a learner of the future”.

Subjects being considered include: Robotics; Jewellery Construction; Renewable Energy; Coding; Data Modelling; Health and Wellbeing; Politics, Power and People, and further exploration into establishing links and pathways with Australian Universities and leading South Australian Industries.

The Tullow Centre, a $6.4m building where a number of these subjects will be studied, is due to open in Semester 2, 2022.

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