The first unit of work our Year 10 Science classes are exploring this year is looking at Genetics and what makes us who we are.
We have started off this unit by exploring the structure of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and the genetic information which it contains that is responsible for the development and function of organisms.
As part of this learning our Year 10 students completed a practical experiment where they used common materials to isolate the DNA in strawberries. To do this, they used materials such as a detergent which was able to break down the cells in the strawberries, salt to separate the proteins from the DNA and alcohol to clump the DNA together, allowing the DNA to be visible to the students.
Once the DNA was isolated in their mixture, the students were able to use their scientific inquiry skills to investigate the DNA from the strawberries.
The students had a fantastic time working together in the lab to complete this practical and further enhance their knowledge of DNA.
Marie Greco
Science Teacher