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It's all Apples in Year 7 Art


Year 7 Art students had the opportunity to have the full observational drawing experience in class last week.

Students were able to use easels, a range of drawing mediums, from charcoal, conte, soft pastel as well as using an eraser as a medium to make marks and lines on their work.

Students created drawings using time limits to eliminate the expectation of a polished and perfect drawing, and to ensure they were drawing what they could "see" rather than making assumptions. 

We all know what an apple looks like, but looking carefully at the apple that is in front of you is a real skill. Learning how to move your eyes from your drawing to the apple and back to your drawing constantly was a strong focus of the task.

All students should be proud of their efforts, as their drawings were of a very high standard.

Verity Clark
Art Teacher

Strength and Gentleness