Our Middle Years community continued to grow in Term 4 as we welcomed our 2022 Year 7 and 8 students to the College for their Transition Days and their parents to our Parent Information evening.
Led by Kathy Hennig, our Transition Coordinator, these events held in November give our newest students a chance to experience the College, meet new friends and have their first taste of high school life. We saw over 150 students spend the day meeting teachers, completing tours and experiencing a range of team building activities.
The Transition Days were supported by our new Peer Support Leaders for 2022. These young leaders worked with the Year 6 and 7 students throughout the four days, leading them in activities, tours and being there as their guides through their first experience of our College.
Our Peer Support Leaders showed their skills to quickly build meaningful relationships and guide our newest students in what it means to be a member of the Kildare community. These leaders were further supported in their work by a number of guides from our Miiddle Years cohort who were quick to answer questions, give direction and support the transitioning students.
Jack Monaghan
Acting Middle Years Coordinator