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Year 10 P.A.R.T.Y Program


A group of 40 Year 10 students were fortunate enough to attend the P.A.R.T.Y Program run by SA Health. The P.A.R.T.Y program is an innovative and interactive program that educates young people on how to Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y). Experienced trauma professionals and trauma survivors worked with the Year 10 student to educate and show them the consequences of risk-taking decisions.

We started the day by learning about the effects of alcohol related and risk taking activities, led by Belinda and Marie – nurses who work in the Emergency and Intensive Care Departments at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. We were also visited by Tom, a local paramedic, who walked us through the what occurs and how emergency workers respond to accidents.

Students then participated in an emergency room simulation, where they worked on a patient who had been involved in a traumatic experience. Students were given an insight about the roles different staff play in supporting young people and their families when involved in traumatic experiences.

After lunch, students learnt about the after-effects of traumatic accidents and how patients are supported through life changing consequences.

The P.A.R.T.Y program was very beneficial and worthwhile for the students who participated. It provided them with confronting, but informative understanding of the life-long impacts that risk- taking behaviours can have. The students involved, took away an important message, from what was an invaluable learning experience.

Emma Ward
Senior Years Coordinator

Strength and Gentleness