Year 9 students have had the opportunity to participate in self defence training over the last three weeks of term. This opportunity was a student led initiative from 2020 and it was fantastic to see it come to fruition.
Through a HUMS Project Based Learning activity in 2020, a group of Year 8 students identified strategies to feel more empowered. The students presented their findings to College Leadership and as a part of the program, a recommendation was that self defence training would be completed by classes in 2021. It is has been fantastic to see our student leaders develop ideas and be active in the completion of the program.
Students have undertaken theory and practical sessions with the Academy of Self Defence and Martial Arts. The classes have been very excited with students feedback including, “It is an experience I will hold onto in the future”, and “It was good to learn things that built our confidence”. The success of the program will see it become an ongoing part of the Year 9 curriculum.
Jack Monaghan
Acting Middle Years Coordinator