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Technologic Play


Students in the Year 12 Child Studies class have investigated the importance of children developing problem solving skills through play. Play allows children to use their creativity while developing imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. It allows children to create and explore a world they can make mistakes in and learn from.

Technologic toys allow children to further develop these skills, while also developing problem solving strategies. The simplest form of technology is the development and use of basic tools to apply skills, techniques or knowledge.

The Year 12 students used their research to design and create a range of technologic toys including: magnetic fishing games, alphabet maze, puzzles, a shopping kit, a weather station, a clock puzzle and weaving kits. Students used a range of materials and utilised their own technology, such as sewing machines and laser cutters, to create safe and inclusive toys that promote problem-solving thinking.

The Year 12 students develop their own problem-solving skills to create original and outstanding toys, and demonstrate clear understandings of how to practically apply their research.

Emma Ward
Child Studies Teacher

Strength and Gentleness