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Year 10 Camp


Year 10 students had the opportunity to reconnect, build new relationships and develop resilience when they attended the two-day camp at El Shaddai in Wellington. Along with seven staff, the students departed the College with bags packed, eager with excitement to take on the adventures of camp life.

The Year 10 Camp is designed to challenge students and allow them to grow through new experiences. Students were able to safely take risks and face a variety of challenges through a welcoming, caring and safe environment. Over the two days students were able to get up close and personal with a range of reptiles, develop team work and leadership skills in laser skirmish, learn the art of archery and participate in height challenges, including the giant swing, vertical challenge and indoor rock climbing. Thursday night, students also developed their team work skills in a relaxed setting when they took on the teachers in the ‘giant quiz’.

The overnight camp allows the Year 10 students to have a break from daily school life and the chance to further develop relationships with their peers and teachers. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for students to develop new friendships, as well as learn more about themselves by participating in various challenges. These challenges allows students to build relationships with their peers, as many of the activities required a level of trust and reliance on team members.

It was wonderful to see students encouraging and supporting each other, while facing their fears, and to see the courage and bravery in many students when completing these activities. A big thank you to the staff at El Shaddi who facilitated the activities and welcomed us warmly into their community.

We are proud of our Year 10 students who fully participated in the camp and demonstrated courage, wonder and hospitality in all aspects of the two-day adventure.

Emma Ward
Senior Years Coordinator

Strength and Gentleness