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Message from our Director of Teaching and Learning


Staff and Students have hit the ground running in Term 2 with a number of activities being undertaken across the year levels and curriculum areas. Year 8 HUMS recently celebrated the end of their medieval unit with themed day including spit roast and a medieval dress up. Our Year 9 students have started their SASI Talent Search Fitness tests with our new timing gates and vertical jump apparatus making the testing more accurate and our Year 12 English and Drama students have been out to see 'Euphoria' to help with their studies.


The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numerary has taken place this week. Our Year 7 and 9 students sat their tests on Tuesday through to Thursday and will have an opportunity to catch up any missed test on Friday.

AVCAT Scholarships

The Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust is offering tertiary scholarships for the children and grandchildren of Australian ex-serving veterans. These scholarships are valued up to $4000 per year for 3 years. Check your eligibility at avcat.org.au

To be eligible students must be:

  • Enrolled, or planning to enrol in a full-time course at university, TAFE or RTO in 2022
  • The child, stepchild, foster child, or grandchild of an Australian ex-serving veteran
  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • In receipt of, or eligible to receive, Centrelink payments including Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY, Austudy or an accepted means-tested Commonwealth government payment in 2022.

Raymond Kropinski
Director of Teaching and Learning

Strength and Gentleness