Kildare College Living Justice and Environmental Leaders were invited to join students from other Kildare Education Ministries schools around Australia for a two-day student seminar.
While we were unable to attend the annual event held in Victoria due to travel restrictions; with the help of technology and Zoom students were still keen to take part. While we were challenged with some internet problems, the students were able to wave to their counterparts and listen to guest speakers such as Sr Brigid Arthur’s presentation about asylum seekers/refugees.
Over the two days, the students developed a deeper understanding of concepts relating to justice vs charity, and participated in the Justice Tree activity that reflected on issues caused in society by the 2020 COVID pandemic. They focused on issues locally, nationally, and globally and reflected on how these were responded to and whether the response was appropriate.
Students also spent time discussing how they intend to raise awareness about issues that impact society and the environment, including issues in our own College community.
Having time to converse, enabled the students to formulate and plan ideas for events that the Living Justice and Environmental groups had previously discussed but this year intend to definitely put into action!
Living Justice Group:
To raise funds for Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion the Living Justice group is planning a colour run, where all students will be invited to donate to participate as an act of solidarity to ‘celebrate all that is good’ - something they felt was particularly relevant in this year of Wonder.
The ‘Winter Warmers’ drive will be back in Term 2 to raise awareness of homelessness and those less fortunate; followed by a campaign to raise awareness about the serious issue of domestic violence and the need to educate young people about healthy relationships.
Environmental Group:
To celebrate the year of ‘Wonder’ the group is keen to encourage the school community to continue the war on waste. With that in mind, the group is currently conducting a survey among the student body regarding their support for a better recycle/waste system. They are also researching various recycle/waste systems, such as the three-bin system in many shopping centres to see how well students and staff would support a similar system if it were introduced at Kildare.
While technology may have impacted the students’ ability to converse with their interstate counterparts - it did not thwart their plans for raising awareness around Living Justice and Environmental issues in 2021!
Well Done Everyone!
Mrs Selga, Miss Beck, Mrs Rigney and Emma Lewis