2021 Core Classes
Last Tuesday students gathered in their 2021 core classes where they were encouraged to begin making connections with their new peers. We will seek students’ feedback on their return about how this trial worked. We hope that students enjoyed the experience, made new connections and they are looking forward to the year ahead.
Summer Holidays
While the summer holidays are a great time for our young people to rest and recharge their batteries, some students may miss the routine and connections that school provides. Listed below are some ideas that may help.
1. Encourage your daughter to stay connected with her friends, ensuring that there is a healthy balance between online and face-to-face connections.
2. Encourage your daughter to stay active. This could include, going for a walk, playing sports, swimming or bike riding.
3. Encourage her to maintain a regular routine. Consistent waking and going to bed times can help maintain their body clock, which reduces feelings of lethargy in the day.
4. Encourage her to maintain a healthy diet. Eating healthily Is not only good for her body, it is also good for her mind. It will improve her sleeping patterns, energy levels, mood and general health and wellbeing.
5. Encourage her to have fun! Devoting time to play and just having fun and a good laugh helps her to recharge and reduces stress and anxiety.
It is absolutely normal for students to be excited and worried at the same time about what the new year brings. It is a time for a fresh start, and the opportunity for students to broaden their friendships, as well as continue the connections they have made. We look forward to seeing you in 2021.
Kim Thomas
Middle Years Coordinator