Equity for all students has been highlighted for a long while now in education, but especially with the inception of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data, which is primarily to acknowledge accountability for students with diverse disabilities and learning needs.
When referring to our diverse learners it is important for students who are recognised as Gifted and Talented (G&T) to be supported and enriched with their learning. We recognise our gifted and talented students through differentiated extension curriculum, and by providing many opportunities to participate in enrichment programs at Kildare and externally. We pride ourselves on continuous improvement in teaching and learning.
To enhance the professional learning of teachers at the College we are participating in a research study titled: Attitudes toward Gifted Students and Gifted Education which has been authorised by the University of NSW in partnership with Catholic Education SA.
Recently Michael Murphy, Leading Learning Consultant from Catholic Education SA, presented to our teaching staff, an overview of the current research study including the research processes used for qualitative and quantitative data collection and a synopsis of the current status of the completion of research. From here Kildare College will choose a framework that it will adopt to implement processes and guidelines to help identify, enrich and monitor our Gifted and Talented students. Gagne’s Differentiated model of Giftedness and Talent which clearly distinguishes the difference between natural abilities or domains and talents, will be incorporated into our planning and programming.
Teachers will participate in accredited learning to ensure that we continue to improve our teaching and learning of our Gifted and Talented students for equitable outcomes in education and a goal of individual excellence. We are very excited about this opportunity for our teachers in cutting edge research and pedagogical practices, as well as 21st century transformation in relation to student learning.
Cherrell Murray
Director of Learning Enrichment