With COVID-19 restrictions in place, the ability to visit universities and VET providers and undertake Career Week activities has been put on hold. However, our Year 10s were able to visit a Careers Expo…from the comfort of our Kildare College Resource Centre.
Earlier in the year, Torrens University liaised with a range of South Australian and interstate tertiary providers to construct a virtual Careers Expo for Australian students. With each institution offering their own ‘booth’, students are able to use these portals to access videos, course brochures and FAQs, as well as make direct contact with the educational provider.
The Virtual Careers Expo was used as the basis of an Amazing Race/Scavenger Hunt style activity that saw Year 10 students working in small groups to answer a range of questions. Students were given clues to locate information about courses offered by tertiary providers such as Flinders University, University of South Australia, University of Adelaide, TAFE SA, Defence Force Recruiting, Academy of Interactive Education and Torrens University. This allowed them to gain more knowledge about future pathways but also gave a competitive edge…after all, it was a race to move through the clues before the other teams. Congratulations to our two winning teams who researched and answered multiple questions in ten sections about a range of topics including Aviation, Hospitality and Tourism, Forensic Science, Game Development, Medicine and Certificate III qualifications.
I encourage all families to visit the Torren University Virtual Careers Expo by registering at: https://www.torrens.edu.au/about/virtual-careers-expo
Thank you to the Year 10s for their enthusiastic participation and staff members who assisted throughout the afternoon.
Rebecca Sarvas
Careers Counsellor