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National Reconciliation Week – (27 May - 3 June)


‘In this Together’

National Reconciliation week is a time for all of us to learn about our shared cultures, histories and achievements; it is also a time to explore how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in not only our school community, but wider society in general. 'In this Together' is the Reconciliation Week theme for 2020. These words call on all Australians from all backgrounds to have the 'courage to walk together to foster positive relationships that contribute to a better future for all'.

Various activities were undertaken by students and staff leading up to, and during Reconciliation Week to demonstrate our commitment to promoting reconciliation. These included:

  • Prayers around reconciliation were shared each day during Pastoral Care time and morning staff meetings.
  • Meaningful activities and displays were provided in the Resource Centre by Ms Haythorpe and student volunteers.
  • Nunga students were encouraged to ‘bring a friend’ in the spirit of reconciliation to a workshop where they created artistic and colourful rocks.

During Term 2 holidays the Reconciliation Rocks will be dispersed throughout the Kaurna Plains and along the Tjilbruke Trail for the general public to find; they will be asked to place them in a different location for others to find. Don't forget to comment on the Kildare College's Facebook post 'Reconciliation Rocks' with a photo of your discovery.

With COVID-19 restrictions preventing whole school gatherings still in place, a virtual Reconciliation Liturgy involving students, parents and staff was created by the College. The liturgy was shared with students and staff during Monday morning PC to enable everyone to participate in the true spirit of Reconciliation. This beautiful liturgy has also been shared with the wider community including other Kildare Ministries schools in the eastern states.

The Indigenous Focus Team

Strength and Gentleness