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The feast of Pentecost brings to a conclusion the season of Easter.

Jesus came, died and rose; however this was only the beginning.

Traditionally when we think of Pentecost we think of the Holy Spirit descending from heaven and landing on the Apostles. With the help of the Holy Spirit they were then able to go out to the world and teach all people about the message of Jesus and spread the hope of eternal life with God.

What is important here is that at some point, the Apostles acknowledged their call as Christians and so began the Christian Church.

This feast, like many others in our calendar year, helps us to reflect on our own mission and call to spread the message of Jesus. But as the feast reminds us, we are not alone, for the Holy Spirit is with us.

St Brigid was a great example of one who accepted her Christian call to spread the message of Jesus and did so with an unfailing faith that the Holy Spirit was always with her, guiding her or influencing others.

The feast of Pentecost does indeed conclude the season of Easter. However, our call to spread the message of Jesus is never ending.

Enrico Caprioli

Strength and Gentleness