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A Message from the Senior Years Coordinator
Raymond Kropinski


It was great to hear the sound of excited voices and to see the sense of joy on the faces of the students as they returned to school over the past two weeks. Many spoke of how much they had missed being with their friends and teachers in person during these past weeks. Most students have appreciated the dedicated work of their teachers in preparing online lessons and resources, but their preference was clearly for the face-to-face experience of being together in class and at school.

For our Year 11 and 12 students this has been an interesting, evolving and out of the ordinary year thus far of study. The SACE board has been working hard to ensure that students will be able to complete their Year 12 studies this year. The majority of subjects will continue as usual for the year, including the scheduled exams at the end of the year. Some minor changes in subject areas have been made and teachers will inform students of any changes that affect them.

More information about this can be found on the dedicated COVID-19 SACE portal: https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/covid-19-coronavirus.

Year 12 students have the requirement of additional homework in each subject area, and managing sleep, exercise and down-time as well as social contact with peers is also very important during these times. It is important that the Year 12s quickly pick-up where they left at the end of Term 1 and find ways to ensure they catch up if needed before the end of Term 2.

On a brighter note, the Year 12 Jackets have arrived – just in time for the colder months. As you can imagine, students were very excited to receive them. The jackets are part of the College uniform and can be worn with winter, summer and PE uniforms.

Due to the impact of the coronavirus, and in order to further support your daughter we have had to reschedule some events including the examinations for this semester. Examinations are used to identify concepts students have learnt, identify areas of concern and are an important part of the feedback process. Results from examinations provide further information that is used during the subject selection process for students moving into Year 11 and 12.

The end of semester examinations for Year 10 and 11 students will be held in Week 9 of this term.

Year 10 - Week 9, Thursday 25 June and Friday 26 June
Year 11 - Week 9, Wednesday 24 June – Friday 26 June

Mid-year examinations for Year 12 students will be held during the school holidays so they do not impact on teaching time.

Year 12 - Week 2 of the Term 2 holidays, Monday 13 July - Wednesay 15 July

Examinations are compulsory for all students sitting a subject that has an exam at the end of Year 12. More information will be released once the timetables have been finalised.  

Raymond Kropinski
Senior Years Coordinator

Strength and Gentleness