Term 1 is a fantastic opportunity for the students to set the tone for the year as well as contribute to our community.
There are a number of options for the students to become involved in the many activities we have on offer here at Kildare and I strongly recommend that each student finds at least one that she enjoys and continues with it throughout the year.
It has been a busy start to the year already. Hearing the stories from the students about the Year 12 Retreat always brings a smile to my face. It’s fantastic that they were able to take some time out of their studies, bond as a group and set some goals for the upcoming year.
The Year 11 students begin a full year of the SACE and this year will undertake the Stage 2 Research Project compulsory subject. It will be wonderful to help guide them through the year as they continue to make decisions that will impact on their future.
It has been a pleasure to welcome the Year 10 students into the Senior Years community. They are very excited about their futures and are looking forward to a wonderful year of discovering more about themselves and the direction they would like to take.
Students in the Senior Years will begin subjects that count towards their SACE completion. The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is a modern, internationally-recognised secondary school qualification designed to equip your child with skills, knowledge, and personal capabilities to successfully participate in our fast-paced global society.
How it has changed
The SACE has evolved to provide your child with more flexibility to choose subjects that reflect their interests, skills, and career goals, using a combination of SACE subjects, vocational education and training (VET), community learning, university, and TAFE studies. SACE subjects are a combination of investigations, performances, and other assessment tasks to demonstrate students’ skills, knowledge, and personal capabilities throughout the year. Some subjects will have an end-of-year exam in Year 12 worth 30% of the overall grade.
Your daughter’s SACE journey
To complete the qualification, your daughter will need to attain 200 credits from a selection of Stage 1 and Stage 2 subjects. A 10-credit subject is usually one semester of study, and a 20-credit subject is usually over two semesters. Here’s how it works.
What kind of learner is your daughter?
The SACE caters for practical and theory, hands-on and action-based learning both in and outside school. Your daughter is encouraged to choose subjects that suit them and will open doors to a range of careers within their area of interest. Your daughter will have the opportunity to explore their interests, strengths, subject choices, and style of learning during the Personal Learning Plan at the beginning of their SACE journey, studied in Year 10 at Kildare. VET options are available at both Stage 1 and Stage 2 and include a wide range of industry areas, including construction, automotive, electro-technology, hospitality, community services, health and information technology.
Should you require more information regarding the SACE, please contact me at the College.
Best of luck to all senior students. Work hard and make this the exciting and positive experience you are wishing it to be.
Raymond Kropinski
Senior Years Coordinator